Says about us
24/01/2019 IDA Veneto: website for adult education in Veneto
15/01/2019 Czech EPALE website
31/12/2018 Boletín de noticias de EPA
Visit to Brussels with the scarf and end of the BIC project
Nov-Dec 2018 German press releases related to BIC visit at the European Commission
21/11/2018 articles on German EPALE website:
20/11/2018 Linkedin
17/11/2018 Volkshochschule Olching website
Exposcuola 15-17/11/2018, Exibition in Padua
EU parliament, CULT commission newsletter november 2018
13/11/2017 CPIA website
7/11/2018 “PadovaOggi” online newspaper
12-13/10/2018 Erasmus days in VHS Olching
22/05/2018 ‘INSIEMI’ Conference (organized by the Italian ‘BIC’ team)
article on italian EPALE website
notice on the website of the municipality of Padua
article on Veneto Regional Education Office
25/07/2018 article on italian EPALE website
28/05/2018 Boletín de noticias de EPA
newsletter of Life Long Learning of FAEA
24/05/2018 Münchner Merkur press

24/05/2018 video on NA beim BBB
April 2018, French press release
14/11/2017 article on Dia Valladolid
4/11/2017 article on Italian EPALE website:
German releases press about Flashmob performed in Olching on July 2017
Press report from Valladolid, may 2017
BIC_press_ El Día de Valladolid
German press releases about BIC may 2017
German press releases about BIC april 2017
German press releases about BIC nov-dec 2016