
The European Profilpass is a tool which is at everyone´s disposal and already in use in Europe. It is a practical instrument for people to reflect about their competences and skills and to get aware of their own abilities. It has been translated into several languages. The teams present resources based on the use of the Profilpass.
Further resources and working documents designed during the partnership give additional approaches to the subject.



European ProfilPASS Resource-European ProfilPASS –EN
ProfilPASS presentation (DE)
ProfilPASS in use Resource in English

Resource in Spanish

Resource in German

Welcome Protocol Welcoming Protocol – FECEAV

Welcoming Protocol resource

Portfolio Portfolio resource

Mi portfolio (ES)

My portfolio (EN)

Mi dossier (ES)

My dossier (EN)

Standardized A2 language level test for immigrants applying for long-term residence permit in Veneto. Introduction

Example of test